Patient's Bill of Rights Enhances Healthcare Protections for Nevada Families

Press Release

Date: June 22, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley today applauded the release of new Patient's Bill of Rights protections required under the Affordable Care Act which was signed into law 90 days ago.

"Nevadans will see better healthcare as a result of this Patient's Bill of Rights which blocks the ability for insurers to drop those who get sick and ends limits on lifetime coverage," said Berkley. "Three months ago this landmark healthcare reform was signed into law and families in Las Vegas and across the nation are being protected against practices that put profits ahead of patient health. These changes strengthen medical coverage for Americans of all ages, from juvenile diabetics and cancer survivors to seniors on Medicare."

The regulations unveiled by the White House today include the following new Patient's Bill of Rights protections:

* Preserves the ability for Nevadans to see the doctor of their choice.

* Removes insurance company barriers to life-saving emergency department services.

* Bars insurance plans from denying coverage or limiting benefits for children with pre-existing conditions.

* Bans insurance companies from arbitrarily dropping people who get sick and need coverage most.

* Prohibits insurance plans from placing lifetime limits on coverage.

* Restricts the annual dollar limits on coverage by insurance plans.

In addition, seniors caught in the Medicare prescription drug 'donut hole' coverage gap are receiving checks to help lower their costs and young adults are allowed to stay on a parent's insurance plan until age 26.
